2016-03-28 The Head of the Russian Imperial House Issues a Statement on Pakistan Attacks

From the Head of the Russian Imperial House

I was enormously saddened to learn about the terrorist attack in the city of Lahore, the capital of the Pakistani Province of Punjab, which took place on the day when the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Easter. I wish to express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. 

Every atrocity of these terrorists, which occur next door to us and that often take the lives of our countrymen, fills our hearts with suffering, pain, and anger. But we do not always sense that in the Middle East, and in parts of Asia and Africa, terror has become a terrible daily occurrence, that in those places a day hardly passes without the murder of religious, political, or other public figures and ordinary citizens, and that the acts of mass terror in those places often greatly exceed in scale those crimes which have touched us and our loved ones. In those horrible acts of violence, Christians, Muslims, and members of other religions perish indiscriminately.

Not long ago, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with Pope Francis of Rome, a meeting that had as one of its goals to draw the attention of the world to the suffering of people whose lives often go unnoticed by the larger public. We must harken to the voice of the Patriarch and the Pope, and we ourselves must make every effort to unite all believers and sensible people in a spiritual and determined struggle against international terrorism.

We must clearly recognize that there can be no such thing as “lesser suffering.” The peoples of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa who live under the threat of these kinds of terrorist acts—whether they be Christians, Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists—must know that their suffering and pain are regarded in Russia, Europe, America, and Australia as no less significant than our own, and that we empathize deeply with them, and that we pray that the Lord will protect their countries and their peoples from harm and violence.

It is not only hatred and cruelty toward those of other races and creeds that violate God’s Truth, it is likewise the indifference we show to those who suffer that offends God. 

Human feeling, compassion for each other, mutual respect, love, patience, and unity in the struggle against common threats—these are the foundations of Civilization and the main weapon for defeating the Evil that blasphemously hides behind perverted religious slogans.

H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
March 14/27, 2016


2016-03-22 The Head of the House of Romanoff and Her Heir Mourn the Loss of Life in the Recent Terror Attacks in Brussels

The Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and H.I.H. The Heir, Tsesarevich, and Grand Duke George of Russia, are profoundly saddened by the loss of life in the terror attack that struck Brussels this week.

Their Imperial Highnesses express their deepest condolences to the people of Belgium, and to Their Majesties, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium. The Grand Duchess and Tsesarevich pray for the repose of the souls of those who perished, for the quick recovery of those who were injured, and for the comforting of those who lost family members and friends in these horrific attacks.

Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and her Heir join their voices to so many others who have called upon all the peoples of the world, all honest and good-hearted people, of all religious and political beliefs and of all nationalities, to join together in a determined struggle against the terrible and senseless scourge of terrorism.


2016-03-22   Глава Дома Романовых и Наследник глубоко скорбят в связи с террористическими актами в Брюсселе

Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и Е.И.В. Государь Наследник Цесаревич и Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович скорбят в связи с гибелью людей, произошедшей в результате террористических актов в Брюсселе.

Их Императорские Высочества выражают глубочайшие соболезнования Бельгийскому народу и Их Величествам Королю Бельгийцев Филиппу и Королеве Матильде. Великая Княгиня и Цесаревич молятся о упокоении душ погибших, о скорейшем выздоровлении раненых и об облегчении страданий тех, кто потерял родных и близких.

Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и ее Наследник присоединяют свой голос к призывам о сплочении всех народов мiра, всех честных людей без различия религиозных убеждений, национальной принадлежности и общественно-политических убеждений, для решительной борьбы со страшным и безумным злом терроризма.

HIH Grand Duke and Tsesarevich Georgii Mikhailovich appears on Italian Newsmagazine "Porta a Porta" 13 January 2016.

HIH Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich of Russia was an honored guest appearing on the Italian program, "Porta a Porta" speaking on a number of topics, including the the possibility of the return of the Imperial House to Russia. Other guests were HRH Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy, and HRH Prince Amadeo, Duke of Aosta

Watch the program here

The Head of the Russian Imperial House extends Christmas and New Year Greetings


The Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and H.I.H. The Heir, Tsesarevich, and Grand Duke George of Russia, extend their heartfelt thanks to all their countrymen and to all friends of Russia around the world who have sent holiday greetings, and likewise send greetings for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2016, wishing all health, happiness, spiritual strength, and God's help in all their endeavours.

Grand Duchess Maria of Russia also warmly thanks all those who sent their congratulations on her birthday.


Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и Е.И.В. Государь Наследник Цесаревич и Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович сердечно благодарят всех соотечественников и иностранных друзей России, приславших им поздравления, и со своей стороны поздравляют их с Рождеством Христовым и Новым 2016 Годом, желая всем здоровья, счастья, духовной крепости и помощи Божией во всех благих делах.

Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна также благодарит всех, поздравивших ее с Днем рождения.

2015-11-14 The Head of the House of Romanoff Comments on the Terrorist Attacks in Paris, Beirut, and in Egypt.


The recent acts of terror in the skies over Egypt, in Paris, and in the neighbourhoods of Beirut, have shocked the entire world.

I and my son and heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, grieve deeply with our countrymen, and with the people of France and of Lebanon, we pray for the repose of the souls of those who have perished, and we express our deepest condolences to their families and friends.

Terrorism is an ungodly and inhuman act that can never have any justification.  The villains who planned and carried out these massive and brutal massacres of innocent people must receive their just punishment.

But it must also be remembered that military operations, however appropriate and necessary they might be, cannot alone defeat terrorism or the underlying ideology that feeds it. It is necessary to resist firmly and steadfastly all attempts to glorify terrorism in whatever form it may take both in the past or today, to denounce its hideous nature, and to expose its ultimately fatal and self-destructive consequences.

In this effort all sensible and honourable people, regardless of their nationalities or their religious, social, or political differences, must be wholly united.

Mutual respect, a sincere desire to understand each other, cooperation in overcoming common problems facing all humanity—these things will not only destroy the deadly fruits of pseudo-religious, humanity-hating terroristic beliefs, they will pull up the plants from their cursed roots.


H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia


November 1/14, 2015


Новые террористические акты, совершённые в воздушном пространстве Египта, в Париже и в окрестностях Бейрута, потрясли весь мир.

Я и мой сын и наследник Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович глубоко скорбим вместе с нашими соотечественниками, вместе с французами и ливанцами, молимся о упокоении душ павших и выражаем глубокие соболезнования их родным и близким.

Терроризм является богопротивным и бесчеловечным явлением, не имеющим никакого оправдания. Злодеев, подготовивших и совершивших массовые зверские убийства невинных людей, должно постигнуть неотвратимое возмездие.

Но следует также понимать, что одними военными операциями, при всей их важности и необходимости, невозможно победить террор и питающие его идеологии. Необходимо твёрдо и неуклонно противостоять попыткам героизировать терроризм в каких бы то ни было проявлениях в прошлом и настоящем, разоблачать его отвратительную сущность, указывать на гибельность и самоубийственность его последствий.

В этом деле обязаны быть едиными все здравомыслящие честные люди, независимо от национальных, религиозных и общественно-политических различий.

Взаимное уважение, стремление узнать правду друг о друге, сотрудничество в преодолении общих для человечества проблем помогут не только уничтожать смертоносные плоды псевдорелигиозных человеконенавистнических террористических учений, но и вырвать их проклятые корни.



1/14 ноября 2015 года

2015-11-01 The Head of the House of Romanoff expresses her grief at the deaths of her countrymen in the crash of Metrojet Flight 9268 in Egypt's Sinai


It was with enormous sadness and sorrow that I learned of the terrible news of the crash of the Russian airliner in Egypt, which took the lives of 224 of our countrymen.

I wish to express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of all those who have perished.  I and my son and Heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, pray that the Lord will grant rest to those who were taken from us and bring comfort and strength to those who are grieving.


Madrid, November 1, 2015



С глубокой скорбью восприняла я известие о страшной катастрофе российского самолета в Египте, унесшей жизни 224 соотечественников.

Выражаю родным и близким погибших мои глубокие соболезнования. Я и мой сын и наследник Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович молимся, да упокоит Господь всех безвременно скончавшихся, и да подаст Он утешение и помощь скорбящим о них.


Мадрид, 1 ноября 2015 года