
2017-01-04. The Russian Imperial House launches complete website redesign

2017-01-04. The Russian Imperial House launches complete website redesign

The Chancellery of the Russian Imperial House quietly launched a complete redesign of the website of the House of Romanoff in time for the New Year.

The revised bilingual website lavishly illustrated with historical images and documents is a more interactive and accessible version of the previous site.  While all the information on the previous site appears to be available, the new organization of dropdown menus and choices makes the 2017 relaunch more accessible to supporters and other interested parties, such as academics and the press, eager for new information and scholarly materials about the Dynasty today.

The fresh site shows that the Imperial House takes 21st century communication methods with the public seriously, and has taken a big step forward.

To vist the new Imperial House website:


2016-08-05. Dimitri R. Romanov Receives the Russian Federation's Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

2016-08-05. Dimitri Romanovich Romanov Receives a Prestigious Award from the Russian Government

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree awarding Dimtiri Romanovich Romanov the Order of Alexander Nevsky, an order of the government of the Russian Federation. The order was awarded “for his significant contributions to the efforts to promote abroad knowledge of the historical and cultural legacy of Russia, and for his work in strengthening international humanitarian connections.”

The Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, is pleased that the efforts of her relative have been so prominently acknowledged. Despite the fact that Dimitri Romanov sometimes issues public statements that contradict the position of the Russian Imperial House and the Russian Orthodox Church, Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, while regretting such moments, nonetheless views him with familial affection and recognizes first and foremost the good that he tries to do for her countrymen in Russia.

Dimitri Romanovich Romanov (b. 1926) is the second son of Prince-of-the-Imperial-Blood Roman Petrovich, from his morganatic marriage with Countess Praskovia Sheremeteva, and is the last representative of the line of Romanovs descended from Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich the Elder, third son of Emperor Nicholas I. He is a citizen of Denmark and heads a number of foreign civic and charitable organizations. At the present time, Dimitri Romanovich Romanov, who has recently turned 90, is the second oldest member by age of the morganatic descendants of the House of Romanoff (second after Andrei Andreevich Romanov, b. 1923, the son of Prince-of-the-Imperial-Blood Andrei Alexandrovich), the great-grandson of Emperor Nicholas I).

2016-08-05 Д.Р. Романов получил высокую награду

Президент РФ В.В. Путин подписал указ о награждении Дмитрия Романовича Романова Орденом Российской Федерации Александра Невского. Награда присуждена "за большой вклад в распространение за рубежом знаний об историческом и культурном наследии России и содействие укреплению международных гуманитарных связей».

Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна рада, что труды её родственника чрезвычайно высоко отмечены. Несмотря на то, что Д.Р. Романов иногда выступает с публичными заявлениями, противоречащими позиции Российского Императорского Дома и Русской Православной Церкви, Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна, сожалея об этом, относится к нему с любовью и замечает, прежде всего, то доброе, что он старается сделать для соотечественников в России.

Д.Р. Романов (род. 1926) – второй сын Князя Императорской Крови Романа Петровича от его морганатического брака с графиней П.Д. Шереметевой и последний представитель этой генеалогической линии рода Романовых, происходящей от Великого Князя Николая Николаевича Старшего). Он - гражданин Дании и возглавляет ряд зарубежных общественных и благотворительных организаций. На настоящий момент Д.Р. Романов, отметивший 90-летие, является вторым по возрастному старшинству из морганатических родственников Дома Романовых (после Андрея Андреевича Романова (род. 1923), сына Князя Императорской Крови Андрея Александровича).

2016-03-28 The Head of the Russian Imperial House Issues a Statement on Pakistan Attacks

From the Head of the Russian Imperial House

I was enormously saddened to learn about the terrorist attack in the city of Lahore, the capital of the Pakistani Province of Punjab, which took place on the day when the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Easter. I wish to express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. 

Every atrocity of these terrorists, which occur next door to us and that often take the lives of our countrymen, fills our hearts with suffering, pain, and anger. But we do not always sense that in the Middle East, and in parts of Asia and Africa, terror has become a terrible daily occurrence, that in those places a day hardly passes without the murder of religious, political, or other public figures and ordinary citizens, and that the acts of mass terror in those places often greatly exceed in scale those crimes which have touched us and our loved ones. In those horrible acts of violence, Christians, Muslims, and members of other religions perish indiscriminately.

Not long ago, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with Pope Francis of Rome, a meeting that had as one of its goals to draw the attention of the world to the suffering of people whose lives often go unnoticed by the larger public. We must harken to the voice of the Patriarch and the Pope, and we ourselves must make every effort to unite all believers and sensible people in a spiritual and determined struggle against international terrorism.

We must clearly recognize that there can be no such thing as “lesser suffering.” The peoples of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa who live under the threat of these kinds of terrorist acts—whether they be Christians, Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists—must know that their suffering and pain are regarded in Russia, Europe, America, and Australia as no less significant than our own, and that we empathize deeply with them, and that we pray that the Lord will protect their countries and their peoples from harm and violence.

It is not only hatred and cruelty toward those of other races and creeds that violate God’s Truth, it is likewise the indifference we show to those who suffer that offends God. 

Human feeling, compassion for each other, mutual respect, love, patience, and unity in the struggle against common threats—these are the foundations of Civilization and the main weapon for defeating the Evil that blasphemously hides behind perverted religious slogans.

H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
March 14/27, 2016