101st Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Imperial Family noted in Russia and around the World.

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A surprising development at the Duma

On July 17th, the Duma in Moscow came into session by observing a minute of silence in honor of the Royal Martyrs. “Reconciliation begins when we all understand that this cannot be repeated, that this is unacceptable,” said State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

“Representatives of all factions got up, regardless of ideological positions. This is a very important step towards national consolidation and reconciliation. It can be compared with the Moncloa Pact in Spain, when representatives of all previously opposing sides honored the memory of the victims of the civil war, ” Volodin noted.

Members of the Russian Duma stand to observe a minute of silence on behalf of the Royal Martyrs. A first.

Members of the Russian Duma stand to observe a minute of silence on behalf of the Royal Martyrs. A first.

According to Andrei Isaev, this indicates that all political forces represented in the Russian parliament are opposed to civil confrontation, and are for settling disputes and conflicts that arise through peaceful and democratic means.

“This shows the readiness of the Russian parliament to follow the path of building a rule-of-law state, in which there should be no place for arbitrary reprisals and political discussions with the use of force of arms,” said the parliamentarian.

Many deputies are in favor of becoming a tradition on July 17, the day of the death of the royal family, to honor the memory of all those who innocently died as a result of the civil war in Russia, Isaev noted.

At Ekaterinburg


The Russian Imperial House posted an image of, HIH the Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna with the Patriarch, and noted that observances on behalf of the Royal Martyrs began in 1929 when her August father, HM the Emperor-In-Exile Kirill I Vladimirovich issued an act together with Metropolitan Anthony.

“"We must always remember the immortal words of The Saint-Emperor Nicholas II, which he transmitted before his end: "…evil cannot vanquish evil, only love can."

"On July 11, 1929, my grandfather, Emperor Kirill Vladimirovich, together with the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), marked the beginning of the official veneration of the memory of the tortured Tsar's Family, July 4 as the Day of Universal Sorrow for the Russian People.

"After the Holy Church glorified the murdered members of our House and they became saints, this day was transformed from a Day of Tribulation into a Feast, which should be celebrated with a bright and joyful feeling, like the days which commemorate the martyrs and passion-bearers of earlier times…”

This year, more than 60,000 Orthodox faithful gathered for the nighttime Liturgy at Church on the Blood in Ekaterinburg, built on the site where the Royal Family and their faithful servants were brutally slain, and the following procession to the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in Ganina Yama, on the night of July 16-17, reports the Ekaterinburg Diocese .

Around the world

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Services were held in Patriarchal and ROCOR parishes around the world. it was reported to the Russian Legitimist, that in New York at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, the Imperial hymn “God Save the Tsar” was sung during the Holy Communion.